User-oriented guidance
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User-oriented guidance
Mobile TechComm is designed in a way that you quickly find the passage which contains the information of your search. The user orientation brings you directly from the starting page to the topic that is relevant to you.
The four topics match the four different roles, which occur when using the TechCommApp®.
Mobile TechComm is designed in a way that you quickly find the passage which contains the information of your search. The user orientation brings you directly from the starting page to the topic that is relevant to you.
The four topics match the four different roles, which occur when using the TechCommApp®.
By clicking on "user", they get to the section containing information on using the interface.
"Technical writing" describes how container content has to be provided and explains the meaning of the public/private section.
"Management" contains all administrative possibilities on the topics security, uploading content or category classification.
"IT/administration" describes the different versions of the app and explains unknown terms.
For more information about mobile TechComm and SMART information, go to Introduction.
This mobile technical documentation was completely revised
a) for the TechCommApp® 4.0 and
b) in accordance with latest requirements for mobile TechComm (Technical university of Central Hesse, THM Gießen, course trmd 553) - THINK MOBILE - a concept from 2018 by SUQIDDS & partners - and is constantly further developed with new content, less text, more RichMedia and more functions such as DISCUSS.
(Date: Nov 16, 2018) Version 5.0 - Author: SQUIDDS Georg Eck | Comment: Issue TechCommApp EXPRESS Build 04)
Used software
The following software & technology is used with SMART information workflow: Editor Adobe FrameMaker 2017 (unstructured/structured) with imported graphics from Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 (PNG, JPG, GIF animated), Adobe Illustrator 2018 (SVG, PNG), Tetra4D (3D) and partly converted with FINALYSER EPS2SVG, videos (mp4), managed in WebWorks CloudDrafts and published with WebWorks ePublisher 2018.2 in the format REVERB 2.0 with the new SPOTLIGHT search and Google Event Tracking.
Last modified date: 11.16.2018